When you pay your property tax, it is paid to the clerk's office where it is then placed into a special account until it is divided up between school districts, city and townships, and the county. There is a portion of the tax dollars that is directed to other districts, which might include a nursing home owned by the city, county, or something similar that requires tax dollars to operate. Fire, ambulance, parks, libraries, and others receive a portion of the tax dollars as well. How much each group receives is different for every state and community. However, the highest pay goes to the school districts and then the city, county and townships.
What Does The School District Do With The Money
The school districts use the money to pay teachers, supervisors and custodians. They money is also used towards school lunch programs as well as the new breakfast programs some schools offer. Anything related to building a school, up keep and remodeling is all funded with tax dollars. Some of the money is used for books and other supplies needed in the school for computer classes, woodshop, home economics and science materials. The money spent by schools is for bettering the education of children.
Other Districts That Use The Property Tax Money
If your county has a county owned nursing home, some of the funds are directed at the nursing home for up keep and salaries as well as needed supplies not covered by the state. Fire and police also use some the tax money for buying new cars, special equipment and salaries. Libraries and park systems receive monies for operating costs and up keep of the buildings and grounds as well as salaries. Ambulances that are operated in the county are given a small portion of the monies for operating costs.
Cities, Counties And Townships
Cities, county and townships use the monies for paying government salaries and funding different building projects as well as up keep of some roads. The money is also used to clean up highways garbage collection and some cemetery up keeping if the community owns them. The communities use the monies for many different things and every community and state has different laws governing the use of the money collected from property taxes.
The overall picture about where your property tax money goes is vague. Every state and community has a board called a finance committee that designates where your property tax money goes and how it is spent. Just because the school district receives so much money, they still have to explain to the committee why they need the money and they have to present a proposal to the committee.
The committee then votes on the use of the money, either grants or denies the use of the funds. In some cases, a small portion of the funds requested may be released depending on how the committee votes. All funds are voted on before being released to any district that has money set aside.
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